Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Finally, a 10 Pound Bass

Dreams do come true!  After numerous attempts over the past 15 years, I finally caught my 10 pound bass on January 25, 2022.

It was a cold and rainy day on Lake Rousseau.  Good friends Chuck Widlowski and Keith Austin shared the boat.  We had a great day, 19 bass over 2 pounds were landed.  Six fish over 5 pounds made for a great day on the water.  I caught two bass over 8 pounds before the big one hit.

The big bass were up under floating mats of weeds.

We let wild shiners swim under the mats to entice the bass.  BOOM.  The bass would hit the shiners aggressively.

Read on in this blog to get an appreciation for this large lake, full of stump fields, running some 12 miles in length.